Essential Oils for Teachers


Welcome back to school!  Whether you are teaching remotely or in person, we have some great oils you can use in your classroom!

You can contact me for more information about oils used in this class and to order product at or by email at

Handout #1

Your guide and reference resource for this class can be found here.  

Handout #2

Your "Wish List" guide for this class can be found here.  

Handout #3

We all can use some help with relaxation.  Enjoy this coloring page created just for you!

Handout #4

Enjoy these diffuser blends, recipes, helpful cleaning products and other ideas for support for the classroom and teachers

Handout #5

I have an oil for that!  Download your recipe for relief for Heartburn here!

Handout #6

I have an oil for that!  Download your recipe for Migraine Relief here!

Handout #7

Download your copy of our oil class card-attend 10 classes and receive a $20 gift!  Let me know when you have attended 10 classes!

Grab your copy of the class recording here.

Thanks for joining us!  Register your attendance here, if you have not already registered for the class,  so we can add you to our list to receive a $20 gift after attending 10 of our Essential Oil Wellness Academy Classes.


Have you joined the Facebook Group?

Join our Women's Health Facebook Group and receive support and lots of programs to help optimize your health and wellness.  
